T.E.A.M Structure
To Effectively Accomplish Ministry (T.E.A.M) Crossroads has a T.E.A.M. structure. Each T.E.A.M has a purpose statement, leader, and members. The T.E.A.M structure helps facilitate each church member getting involved and serving. Each member should be on at least one team.
Discover Crossroads Class
To become a member, you will need to go through this class. We explain what it means to be a church member and why it is important. We also explain the church’s statement of faith and introduce the privileges and responsibilities of membership. The time/location varies based on need.
Contact Pastor Tim if you are interested in joining the Discover Crossroads class!
- (209) 833-8423 office
- (209) 814-1842 cell
- pastor@tracychurch.org
Church Membership
Crossroads believes in saved and baptized church membership. We believe that this is the Biblical example that we see in the book of Acts.
As a regular attender, you can help a Sunday School teacher, listen to children recite Bible verses in Answers Academy, or provide special music. However, church membership is required for leadership roles such as leading worship or being a T.E.A.M. leader.
We believe that every believer should put themselves under the care and discipline of a local church. This is done through church membership.
Children’s Ministry
To work in Children’s ministry you must submit an application agreeing to our Child Care and Abuse Prevention Policy and be Background Checked. If you are interested in serving in the children’s ministry, please submit the application below.